Marketmore’ AGM: Ridge cucumber with trailing habit; yields well outdoors. Do not remove male flower. Good yield of short, attractive, dark fruits
keep the soil constantly moist by watering around the plants – not over them.

Seed tubers of potatoes should be planted around late March for first earlies, early to mid-April for second earlies and mid- to late April for maincrops. This varies slightly depending on where you are in the country.
The traditional way is to dig a narrow trench 12.5cm (5in) deep, place the seed tubers are spaced 30cm (12in) apart for earlies and 37.5cm (15in) for maincrop varieties in rows 24in (60cm) apart for earlies and 75cm (30in) apart for maincrop. Sprinkle slug pellets or other slug deterrents between the tubers as keel slugs can be a problem.
Potatoes need a sunny site away from frost pockets.
It's important to keep light away from the developing new potatoes as light turns them green and green potatoes are poisonous.
Runner beans Quintessentially British, runner beans are one of the easiest of all vegetables to grow.
Runner beans need a support to climb up. The traditional method is to grow them individually up inwardly sloping tall bamboo canes tied near their top to a horizontal cane. If you slope the bamboo canes so that they meet in the middle and tie them here so that the ends of the canes extend beyond the row you will find picking is easier and the yield is usually better.
When growing in beds and borders a wigwam of canes takes up less room and helps produce an ornamental feature.
Loosely tie the plants to their supports after planting; after that they will climb naturally.
Remove the growing point once the plants reach the top of their support
Tomatoes can be grown in soil, pots, grow bags or hanging baskets
Growing your own tomatoes is simple – just a couple of plants will reward you with plenty of sweet-tasting tomatoes in the summer. Tomatoes come in all kinds of colours too – red, of course, but also green and orange, even purple tomatoes or striped tomatoes.
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